Sharing Life...One Moment at a Time's a gift from God. Each moment is ordained by Him and designed to bring glory to Him and accomplish good on our behalf. Sharing life takes transparency, something that is both a strength and a weakness. God's Word tells us to exhort one another to love and good works. May the sharing of life's moments encourage you and challenge you to live the life God has planned specially for you!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I woke up this morning feeling really sensitive emotionally. I couldn't put my finger on the reason. Of course, that usually is followed by intense analyzing in my head to get to the bottom of the issue. I finally figured it out...CHANGE. Life is constantly changing. This reality so easily throws me off even though I know it's inevitable and not the end of the world. Katie is out of school now and home with me every day. I love this more than I can say and yet, it's a change. This summer is the beginning of a new era in our lives - homeschooling. I am eagerly anticipating the fall when I will begin to instruct Katie in our home at our dining room table and throughout the day. After all, homeschooling is more than just schooling at home. It is a wonderful opportunity to pour into your child(ren) not only the academic skills they need for life, but also the spiritual truths they need for eternity. It is an exciting journey and one that terrifies me all at the same time. It's change. Gone are the total carefree days when having and living by a schedule were not as demanding. Gone are the sweet days of only having children who don't read at all and need me for virtually everything. Now comes the time of teaching coupled with continued training. These changes have me a little emotional. Praise the Lord for the constancy of His Word. "Jesus Christ, the SAME yesterday, today, and forever." What a promise to cling to in times of change. Our heavenly Father, the one who chose us before the foundation of the world, never changes.

So, what changes are coming your way? Maybe you have just gone through a change and have settled into your new "norm." Maybe you haven't thought about the next change because it is so comfortable from where you are sitting today. Well, change is inevitable; it's coming sometime. Find comfort in knowing that your "hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." On Christ, the Solid Rock...I STAND!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So you'll notice that the blog is a little more "put together". Thanks to the ever-so-talented Emily, my blog now seems to have a much better flow. Yay! Maybe now I can get on and share more about the moments going on in our Mosier-World. Here's my thought for today...

Every day brings new challenges and new discoveries. The challenges and discoveries are as much on the end of the parents as they are on the end of the girls. We are all learning new things each day. I am thankful the Lord doesn't keep our lives hum-drum but allows us the chance to grow and mature. Are you growing and maturing as a mom, as a believer? If not, ask the Lord to make you teachable. Believe me, He'll give you lessons to learn! They will stretch you, but you will grow and mature and that is one of things we should all strive for as Christians, as moms!

So, enjoy the newly updated format of the blog and be challenged to grow today!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Exciting Week Ahead

This coming week will be VBS at our church. I'm so excited about it, which is weird because it means dragging three kids to church every day by 8:45 a.m.! Yikes! But is also means I get the opportunity to teach again. I miss teaching so much sometimes, although I don't miss working. Staying at home with my children is so wonderful. Teaching was my passion for so many years that any time I can do it again, I'm really excited. I think that's why homeschooling is so exciting to me! The Lord gave me a desire to teach when I was a little girl and I started with my own brothers. Ha! Poor guys! To be able to teach my girls is a dream come true. Who better to invest my passion in than my own children! My curriculum is due at the house any day now and I find myself eagerly watching the door during the day to see if it has come yet.

All that to say, I'm so excited to teach our church kids this week about the beginning of mankind, creation, our amazing bodies, and our Great Savior. It's going to be a great week!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

So, this is my first attempt at blogging, as they call it. I have thought a lot about doing something like this, but always thought it would take up too much of my time. Well, now I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes. I enjoy the blogs I do read, so why not? Life at our house is anything but boring! The Lord has richly blessed me with three amazing girls! My husband and I are constantly amazed at how our lives are so full, crazy, and precious...all at the same time! Thanks for visiting this blog and feel free to leave comments or suggestions. I need all the help I can get!