Sharing Life...One Moment at a Time's a gift from God. Each moment is ordained by Him and designed to bring glory to Him and accomplish good on our behalf. Sharing life takes transparency, something that is both a strength and a weakness. God's Word tells us to exhort one another to love and good works. May the sharing of life's moments encourage you and challenge you to live the life God has planned specially for you!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

No Man Is an Island...or Is He???

I've been stuck at home with chicken pox for 2 of the last 3 weeks. Yet in the midst of it, I see the hand of God. Our first case came the week of Thanksgiving. I was so thankful the Lord let us make it through our cruise before it came. We had a wonderful and simple Thanksgiving with my sister-in-law. It was a sweet time. Our first case of pox was very mild and I was so thankful for that!

Well, this past Sunday evening, I discovered the second case. Again, I am so thankful it has come this week and will be cleared up before Christmas descends and our travels commence. It has been a rather rough patch of chicken pox and I am very sleep deprived. In that sense, it has been discouraging because I have been slacking on my early morning time with the Lord and I can definitely feel the effects of not being in the Word and low on energy. God has been gracious, however, and I have just enjoyed my time with the girls, lowered my expectations for them and myself, and sought to use the slow time to get some things organized.

There are times when I can feel like an island. An island that is unreachable. As I look over the last 10 years, I see how the Lord has slowly changed me from being a "whirlwind on the go" to being content with long weeks at home where I go nowhere and see no one. As a rule, I am a very social person. I thrive on interaction with my friends. But God knows how to reach my heart and knows that in order for me to really stop and listen, sometimes He has to send me to "the island". I won't be here forever and the rat-race will soon resume. Learning to enjoy and appreciate the slow times is very important.

Monday comes quickly. There are lesson plans to be done, new projects to be started, chores to be maintained, lives to train. It is a good life - even when it exists on an island.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Overcoming Fear

This morning I read about overcoming fear. It was the next chapter in a book I am reading with another lady in our church fellowship. When I started it, I didn't think of myself as really needing the chapter, but thought it would help me know how to help someone who might struggle with fear. Boy, did the Lord have a lesson for me! By the end of the chapter, I wrote a prayer to God asking for His help as I face a situation in which I am fearful.

Philippians 4:6 commands us to "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests known to God." It's a familiar verse and one that I often meditate on and even encourage others to think on. The passage goes on, however, to talk about our thoughts. Our thoughts are to be on things that are honest, just, pure, good, lovely, reputable, praiseworthy, and true. When I choose to allow my thoughts to be on things that are the opposite of this list, it can create fear in my heart. This fear is sin! Fear is selfish because it is focused inward, not outward. It's about how I feel, what's been done to ME. God says to not be anxious about anything! Be thankful and pray! The result is peace - peace that surpassing all understanding. Peace that guards our hearts. I need that peace.

You overcome fear with love. "Perfect love casts out fear." (I John 4:18) Love is not selfish. I Corinthians 13 tells us that love is patient and kind, isn't boastful, isn't easily provoked; believes in all things, hopes in all things, endures all things. It never fails. It is not selfish. It has an outward focus.

As I struggle today with fear, I am countering my thoughts with what is true and honest and of good report. It isn't easy, but I desire God's peace to guard my heart. If you are struggling with fear, tell the Lord. He already knows anyway. Our fear affects everyone around us because we are so focused on our struggle we lose sight of what is actually in front of us. It can keep us from fulfilling God's plan for our lives. It can hinder us from receiving God's grace.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

My sweet girl is turning three!! I can't believe it! Hannah is a daily reminder to me of the Grace of God in my life. Of all my babies, Hannah stands out to me as the best baby of the three. Not that the other girls weren't good babies - I am blessed! But there was something special about Hannah from the first day. Maybe it was the fact that she slept 6 hours from the first day she arrived on this earth (that will make any mother giddy). Or maybe it was her long legs which remind me so much of my mothers description of me as a baby. Or maybe it was the way she seemed to just cuddle up so much to me. All I know is this little girl stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on her. All of my babies have taken my breath away and I can't imagine life without any of them. I am so incredibly thankful as I look back on each arrival of my girls. Today, though, I want to give special attention to my middle daughter. She has big shoes to fill with an older sister like Katie. She struggles with communicating and isn't potty trained yet. But she's smart. She is sweet and loves to laugh. She knows exactly what she wants even if she can't say it clearly. And she'll get potty trained; every child does, right? I have enjoyed every moment of her life. I've babied her more than the others. I think it was because Katie seemed to grow up so fast. I blinked and she was a toddler. I didn't want that for Hannah. Since I got pregnant with Samantha when Hannah was only 10 months old, I think I tried harder to hang on to every minute with her. It's been a joy! Happy Birthday to my Hannah! I hope you feel special today and know how much Mommy and Daddy love you!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bumps in the Road

We have officially completed one month of schooling. What a learning experience all around! There is so much to be thankful for - a supportive family, an encouraging spouse, sweet children who play together happily, and a precious six year old who bears with her mama each day. We made it exactly three weeks before I realized that, of all things, I had chosen the wrong grade level across the board for Katie. That will really boost your confidence and humble you, especially when you taught for a living and did quite well at it for almost a decade! What can you do? LAUGH!

One of my principals taught me very early on that "it's never too late to start a new procedure." This came from Mr. Wong's book, of course, but it was great advice that I have remembered over and over even in non-teaching situations. Learning to be flexible and humble does not come naturally to me. I can be very set in my ways and like my "box", so to speak. But in this journey in sanctification, there has to be an element of teachableness even with the most seasoned individual. Otherwise, pride settles in and makes a nice home in our heart and all we do becomes more of an idol to us. I don't want that to be characteristic of my life. I desire to be taught by the Great Teacher and allow Him to direct my life in a way that brings Him the most honor.

So, it's back to the drawing board. But, God has been so faithful to send me women with greater experience and wisdom. I have learned so much from these women. "In the multitude of counsellors there is safety." How true! Today I am on a quest to get what materials I need to be the most effective teacher I can be to the student(s) the Lord has given me. I'm excited! It hasn't caused me to question whether this decision to homeschool was right or wrong. It has given me a renewed desire to make homeschooling centered on an all-encompassing understanding of Who God is and what He desires for each of us in whatever stage of life - child or adult. I am so thankful for this privilege! It's just a bump in the road and, let's face it, there will be more!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our First Day of School

We started our first day of Kindergarten today and, boy, was it exciting! The Lord was so gracious and we were able to complete all of our lessons in about 1 1/2 hours. Hannah and Samantha were very good girls and kept themselves occupied with activities which allowed Katie and I to have uninterrupted learning time. The challenging part came after "school" was over. Giving each child time with Mommy seems to be what is most coveted between my girls. It will be a good opportunity to teach them how to be patient and unselfish. I have to say, though, that nap time will be a cherished and necessary part of our day. The girls will need it to get the rest they need after a busy morning and mommy will need it to spend extra time in God's Word, catch up on other household tasks, and possibly get her own needed rest. All in all, I was very encouraged today and look forward to this year with Katie.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Update on Katie

Some of you may not know that Katie was born with an unusual heart. She has a ventricular septal defect. We have been monitoring it since she was born. I am grateful for all the Lord has done in her life through this and what He has taught me about trusting Him with this child whom He has loaned to me for such a short time. Recently, Katie went in for her heart to be checked. Her cardiologist wanted to be sure that this newest growth spurt did not bring about any new problems.

Katie went into this appointment with such bravery and confidence. I was so proud of her! She had both an EKG and an ultrasound of her little heart. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! The doctor was very pleased with her progress and did not detect any lapses in her progress. There is still one very small hole which does not seem to be causing her any problems. We are clear for another 3 years.

I just want to give glory to the Lord for His hand on Katie's physical heart. My prayer, of course, is that He will begin to work on her spiritual heart, which is full of sin. I love Katie will all of my heart. I would love nothing more than to one day see her come to a saving knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. It is humbling to realize that I can not force this decision nor do anything to guarantee it. My calling is to be a faithful instrument in the hands of my Lord and then trust Him. What a privilege to serve Him!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lessons Learned

It's been one of those weeks. Do you ever have those? Each day you wake up hoping it's better than the one before only to be met with new challenges and frustrations. It's so easy to lose heart and want to throw in the towel. That's where I was most of last week. For about 3 weeks now, I've made a new commitment to get up by 7:00 and start my day in God's Word. The challenge has been to actually get up (I am NOT a morning person) and then deal with my children and train them. Ironically enough, each week has gotten harder, not easier. My expectations have been shattered and my encouragement has dwindled to the point of complete frustration. Doesn't God want me to have uninterrupted time with Him? Isn't He able to cause my kids to just be quiet for at least 30 minutes so that I can begin the day with the right heart? Why am I battling anger every day? These were just some of the questions I asked myself this week.

So, what were the lessons learned? They came in pieces from different sources. Praise the Lord for His servants who give such encouragement at just the right time. A dear friend came over for lunch and just sat and listened to me. Her counsel was for me to remember that these years don't last forever and that I am in a season. It isn't about how long I spend with the Lord or even what I read. It's about obedience and honoring Him. I must acknowledge Him first (Proverbs 3:6) and not get so caught up in the legalism of crossing "Quiet Time" off my list. This is hard for me. I'm a rule-follower. But living a God-centered life isn't about following all the rules. It's surrendering my will daily (even hourly) to my Lord. Proverbs 16:9 says, "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." It's learning to rest in the knowlege that He is sovereign over my day and has the perfect "to do" list for me. Every circumstance that happens is a result of His hand. I must seek to honor Him through the interruptions, mundane tasks, repetitive words, times of discipline as well as the fun times and times I feel most productive.

What lessons will you learn today? Do you see His sovereign hand in all events of your day? What is on His "to do" list for you?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy July!

This year is officially half way over! I can't believe how fast 2010 has gone, all that has happened, and all that lies ahead!

As I type, I sit eagerly waiting for my sister-in-law to arrive from Knoxville. We are all so excited! I think it's been about 2 years since she last visited us. Katie can hardly contain herself and keeping her in bed is almost impossible. I can't really blame her, though. Debbie is so good with all of the girls and she and Katie are usually inseparable. It's going to be such a fun weekend!

We have a lot to look forward to in July:
* Friends coming to town
* Baby shower
* Bridal shower
* Birthday parties - including my own! Yay!!

It's going to be a fast and furious month! Memories will be made and hopefully at the end of this month I will be able to look back and see how the Lord changed me and grew me more like His Son!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I woke up this morning feeling really sensitive emotionally. I couldn't put my finger on the reason. Of course, that usually is followed by intense analyzing in my head to get to the bottom of the issue. I finally figured it out...CHANGE. Life is constantly changing. This reality so easily throws me off even though I know it's inevitable and not the end of the world. Katie is out of school now and home with me every day. I love this more than I can say and yet, it's a change. This summer is the beginning of a new era in our lives - homeschooling. I am eagerly anticipating the fall when I will begin to instruct Katie in our home at our dining room table and throughout the day. After all, homeschooling is more than just schooling at home. It is a wonderful opportunity to pour into your child(ren) not only the academic skills they need for life, but also the spiritual truths they need for eternity. It is an exciting journey and one that terrifies me all at the same time. It's change. Gone are the total carefree days when having and living by a schedule were not as demanding. Gone are the sweet days of only having children who don't read at all and need me for virtually everything. Now comes the time of teaching coupled with continued training. These changes have me a little emotional. Praise the Lord for the constancy of His Word. "Jesus Christ, the SAME yesterday, today, and forever." What a promise to cling to in times of change. Our heavenly Father, the one who chose us before the foundation of the world, never changes.

So, what changes are coming your way? Maybe you have just gone through a change and have settled into your new "norm." Maybe you haven't thought about the next change because it is so comfortable from where you are sitting today. Well, change is inevitable; it's coming sometime. Find comfort in knowing that your "hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." On Christ, the Solid Rock...I STAND!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So you'll notice that the blog is a little more "put together". Thanks to the ever-so-talented Emily, my blog now seems to have a much better flow. Yay! Maybe now I can get on and share more about the moments going on in our Mosier-World. Here's my thought for today...

Every day brings new challenges and new discoveries. The challenges and discoveries are as much on the end of the parents as they are on the end of the girls. We are all learning new things each day. I am thankful the Lord doesn't keep our lives hum-drum but allows us the chance to grow and mature. Are you growing and maturing as a mom, as a believer? If not, ask the Lord to make you teachable. Believe me, He'll give you lessons to learn! They will stretch you, but you will grow and mature and that is one of things we should all strive for as Christians, as moms!

So, enjoy the newly updated format of the blog and be challenged to grow today!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Exciting Week Ahead

This coming week will be VBS at our church. I'm so excited about it, which is weird because it means dragging three kids to church every day by 8:45 a.m.! Yikes! But is also means I get the opportunity to teach again. I miss teaching so much sometimes, although I don't miss working. Staying at home with my children is so wonderful. Teaching was my passion for so many years that any time I can do it again, I'm really excited. I think that's why homeschooling is so exciting to me! The Lord gave me a desire to teach when I was a little girl and I started with my own brothers. Ha! Poor guys! To be able to teach my girls is a dream come true. Who better to invest my passion in than my own children! My curriculum is due at the house any day now and I find myself eagerly watching the door during the day to see if it has come yet.

All that to say, I'm so excited to teach our church kids this week about the beginning of mankind, creation, our amazing bodies, and our Great Savior. It's going to be a great week!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

So, this is my first attempt at blogging, as they call it. I have thought a lot about doing something like this, but always thought it would take up too much of my time. Well, now I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes. I enjoy the blogs I do read, so why not? Life at our house is anything but boring! The Lord has richly blessed me with three amazing girls! My husband and I are constantly amazed at how our lives are so full, crazy, and precious...all at the same time! Thanks for visiting this blog and feel free to leave comments or suggestions. I need all the help I can get!